Etymology: From Latin acupunctura composed of acus (“needle”) and punctura(“sting”). This medicine was developed during the Han dynasty in China.

What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an essential part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is practiced everywhere around the world. It is a practice based on thousands of years of analysis and observation of living organisms and their environment.
Chinese medicine suggests the existence of a vital energy (Qi) that allows life and proper organ function. This energy travels throughout the body along specific lines called meridians (in the same way that blood travels through the circulatory system). The distribution of this vital energy can be disturbed and the goal of the acupuncturist is to maintain these forces in harmony while considering the body as a whole.
These are some of the situations often treated with acupuncture in our CMI clinics:
General disorders
- Fatigue
- Stress, anxiety
Emotional and psychological disorders - Digestive disorders (bloating, nausea, gastric reflux, vomiting
constipation, diarrhea…) - Seasonal allergies
- Itchiness of the skin, rashes
- Headaches, migraines
- Insomnia
- Hot flashes
- Chills
- Incontinence
- Urinary tract infections
Circulatory and cardiovascular disorders
- Water retention (edema)
- Numbness, tingling of the limbs
- Heart palpitations
- Anemia
- Raynaud syndrome (numbness of extremities)
- Varicose veins
Muscle pain
- Any part of the body
- Lower back, sciatica
- Thoracic region
- Abdominal region
- Inguinal region
ENT disorders
- Dizziness, lightheadedness
- Nasal congestion, sinusitis, rhinitis
- Asthma, shortness of breath
- Bronchitis
- Cough, cold, flu
Nervous system disorders
- Facial paralysis, Bell’s palsy
- Restless legs syndrome
- Nervous tics
- Muscle cramps
- Onset of Parkinson’s disease
- Stroke after-effects
When and why should you consult an acupuncturist?
Acupuncture is both a preventive and curative treatment. When there is an imbalance in the body, theacupuncturist must first identify the cause and nature of the imbalance by performing a thorough research and clinical examination. Then, the acupuncturist will seek to restore balance by using different techniques to activate points located on the surface of the body. Each of these points, which have been mapped and documented for thousands of years, have their own unique functions.
The acupuncturist sometimes works on points that are not necessarily in the area of the ailment, but they still have an effect by sending a signal to fine nerve endings that is transmitted to the desired area through the nerves. In our acupuncture clinics, our professionals are certified and offer you the best care so that you can return to your daily routine as quickly as possible, and without pain.
What should you expect from a treatment in our acupuncture clinics?
Thanks to scientific advances, we are now able to explain and demonstrate the many benefits of acupuncture.
First of all, the insertion of needles provokes responses in the nervous system, which allows, among other things, to relax the muscles and harmonize organ functions. The treatment also stimulates the release of hormones such as enkephalins, endorphins and corticosteroids that act on pain control and the inflammatory process.
Finally, the insertion of a needle improves local blood circulation. Acupuncture can therefore provide both local and global relief. Trust our team of professionals!
Techniques used in acupuncture
Although the needle is the acupuncturist’s preferred tool, several other techniques can be used during a treatment. The most common are cupping, laser, massage, heat and electrical stimulation.
The acupuncturist may decide to use the needle alone or a combination of these tools. In all cases, he or she will adapt the treatment according to the problem, the age of the patient and his or her state of health. Acupuncture can be used to treat babies, seniors, athletes and pregnant women.
Cost of an acupuncture treatment
Most group insurance plans reimburse part of the cost of an acupuncture session.
All of our acupuncturists are members of the Association des Acupuncteurs du Québec (AAQ).
Contact us for more information or to make an appointment.
The cost of an acupuncture session is not covered by the RAMQ.
Need an acupuncture session?
Make an appointment quickly and let us heal you at one of our CMI Physiotherapy Clinics