Dr. Gauthier

Medical Director - Sports & Occupational Medicine

CMI Longueuil
1215 chemin du Tremblay, suite 260
Longueuil, QC, J4N 1R4
Phone: (450) 442-1018


Dr. Michel J Gauthier graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Sherbrooke in 1985. During the first years of his practice, he focused on emergency medicine and hospitalization. He quickly developed an interest in sports medicine and occupational medicine.

In 1992, he established the Musculoskeletal Clinic (CMS) at the Pierre Boucher Hospital. In 1994, he founded the Centres de Médecine Industrielle (CMI-Montérégie and CMI-Ville-Saint-Laurent), to which several branches were added over the following years.

As a pioneer in his field, Dr Gauthier developed a multidisciplinary team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, as well as various medical specialists (sports physicians, occupational physicians, physiatrists, orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons).

He graduated from the University of Montreal in Insurance Medicine and Expertise, and has acted as a speaker and expert witness in a large number of litigation cases (1995-2008).

Today, he works as a clinician and medical director at the CMI Clinic in Longueuil.


  • Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Sherbrooke in 1985
  • Insurance Medicine and Expertise diploma from the Université de Montréal in 2001
  • Diploma in musculoskeletal ultrasound from the Université de Trois-Rivières in 2013


  • Medical Director CMI-Longueuil
  • Medical Director CMI-Contrecœur
  • Forensic expert
  • Committee on functional limitations of the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST)


  • Tests cliniques en musculosquelettique, Illustrated guide, 2014
  • Les troubles musculosquelettiques, Piste vers un lien de causalité, MDQ, April 2006
  • Lombalgie d’origine facettaire : le SPECT osseux, Le Clinicien, October 1998
  • La maladie de Lyme au Québec, Le Clinicien, October 1988


  • Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec (FMOQ, or Quebec Federation of General Practitioners)
  • Association québécoise des médecins du sport et de l’exercice (AQMSE, or Association of Quebec Sport and Exercise Physicians)
  • UNEQ (Union des écrivains du Québec)
  • AAM (Association des auteurs de la Montérégie)

Clinic(s) where I practice

CMI Longueuil

1215 chemin du Tremblay, suite 260
Longueuil, QC, J4N 1R4
Phone: (450) 442-1018
Fax: (450) 442-1967

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